Apr 17, 2011

ick (list 15 of 52)

things I dislike, a list:

(image from http://mirdinara.blogspot.com/)

  • folding laundry
  • unloading dishes from the dishwasher
  • cilantro (ick)
  • licorice/anise/fennel (double ick)
  • when people move your drinking cup by grabbing it from the top (thanks, stop pussyfootin around and just put your hands in my mouth instead)
  • using your/you're, its/it's, their/they're/there improperly
  • watching football (snooooze)
  • putting words in other languages on menus and then not knowing how to pronounce them (it won't make a grilled cheese more sophisticated, really)
  • chicken (gross, just gross)
  • children that are loud and annoying (I am a bad person, there's not really an excuse)
  • when people drive with their dogs in their laps (you should text and drink while you're at it)
  • driving in the snow (terror)
  • parallel parking
  • budgeting
  • blood/needles/doctors/hospitals (kryptonite)
  • turtlenecks
  • dry-clean/hand wash clothes
  • bad oral hygiene
  • coffee, unless it's loaded with sugar and artificial deliciousness
  • the smell of gasoline
  • my knees
this is probably not a good one to continue expanding...

1 comment:

  1. I like this dislike - when people drive with their dogs in their laps (you should text and drink while you're at it). Makes sense. I don't like the smell of gasoline either or the 3 points needed to parallel park. Thanks for the laughs.
