Jan 28, 2011

countries I've been to (list 4 of 52)

A tuk tuk at the salt flats in Kampot, Cambodia

Some of these places I will never see again, and some I dream of every day. A list:

              1. USA (duh)
              2. U.K.
              3. Spain
              4. France
              5. Italy
              6. Germany
              7. Czech Republic
              8. Slovenija
              9. Netherlands
              10. Russia
              11. Austria
              12. Hungary
              13. Mexico
              14. Colombia
              15. Costa Rica
              16. Brazil
              17. China
              18. Japan
              19. Vietnam
              20. Cambodia
              21. India
              22. Malaysia
              23. Namibia
              24. South Africa
              25. Bahamas (If one day counts)
That's all! So many more that I want to one day explore!


  1. Never been to Canada. The Bahamas was a fleeting one day at Nassau which I don't really think counts...

  2. Ah. I was in The Bahamas for three nights, four days technically but really two full days.
